
Improving Grinding Efficiency with the IsaMill™

Improving Grinding Efficiency with the IsaMill™ M. Larson1, R. Morrison1, F. Shi1 and M.F. Young2 1University of Queensland, JKMRC, QLD 2Xstrata Technology, QLD Introduction, Background and Objectives As mining companies have been called on to


Fine Grinding - IsaMill - Core Resources

Fine Grinding 13 • Typical refractory gold IsaMill fine grind window 25-90 kWh/t to mill pyrite concentrates to P 80 10-12 µm 10 30 50 70 90 110 1 10 100 S p e c i f i c E n e r g y (k W h / t) Size(um) High -90 kWh/tonne Low - 25 kWh/tonne Mean -60 kWh/tonne


Stirred milling—new comminution technology in the PGM …

interest in mainstream fine grinding, MIG, and ultra fine grinding of primary flotation concentrates, UFG, is easily illustrated. The tailings' average PGM particle size at an estimated P50 of 5.5 microns illustrates the potential liberation problem if these PGMs are disassociated from sulphides and are associated only with silicates.


Energy Use of Fine Grinding in Mineral Processing

velocity of the grinding media along the mill's radius. IV. EQUIPMENT USED A. High-Intensity Stirred Mills Fine grinding is usually performed in high-intensity stirred mills; several manufacturers of these stirred mills exist. Two frequently used stirred mills include the Isamill, produced by Xstrata Technology, and the SMD, produced by ...


Service and Inspection Capabilities - Global Physical ...

IsaMill and HIGmill Fine Grinding/Stirred Milling Equipment. We provide a complete Mechanical Mill Inspection of all MIG and UFG grinding applications. We provide full installation and commissioning support throughout all stages of the equipment. We provide Maintenance and Operational training for All grinding applications


Flotation 21 Competition - glencoretechnology

Fine Grinding. IsaMill™ uses horizontal milling to secure better energy efficiency, product size and availability. IsaMill™ ...


Schematic of ISAMILL | Download Scientific Diagram

Download scientific diagram | Schematic of ISAMILL from publication: FINE GRINDING IN THE AUSTRALIAN MINING INDUSTRY | Fine grinding of metalliferous ores has become increasingly important for the ...


Fine grinding—Developments in ceramic media technology …

Grinding media types Until 2005, all IsaMill installations have taken advantage of the technology's ability to use low cost, but relatively low quality grinding media such as silica sand, river pebble, smelter slag or fine primary mill scats (autogenous milling). Whilst the IsaMill produces high energy efficiencies


Fine grinding: How mill type affects particle shape ...

To complement the laboratory data on shape, samples were taken from a plant-scale UG2 fine grinding circuit with a ball mill and IsaMill operating in series. This was to determine whether the findings relating to particle shape from the batch laboratory grinding data would be consistent with plant scale operations.


About IsaMill

The IsaMill is available in three models (named according to net grinding volume in litres): • M1000 (375 kW) • M3000 (1,120 kW) • M10000 (2,600 kW) IsaMill's are installed in more than two-thirds of the world's ultra fine grinding metalliferous applications. Xstrata Technology directly supports and markets IsaMill technology


IsaMill - Wikipedia

The IsaMill is an energy-efficient mineral industry grinding mill that was jointly developed in the 1990s by Mount Isa Mines Limited ("MIM", a subsidiary of MIM Holdings Limited and now part of the Glencore Xstrata group of companies) and Netzsch Feinmahltechnik ("Netzsch"), a German manufacturer of bead mills.


Fine Grinding Technology for Mines and Concentrating ...

IsaMill Fine Grinding Technology and its Industrial Applications at Mount Isa Mines IsaMill J.D. Pease, 10/14/2005. Fine Grinding as Enabling Technology---the IsaMill IsaMill B.D. Burford, 08/02/2007. IsaMill Technology Used in Efficient Grinding Circuits IsaMill


(PDF) IsaMill medium competency and its effect on …

Traditional fine-grinding mills in mineral processing rely on the use of steel medium for particle size reduction. The IsaMill (a horizontal stirred mill with a 3,000-L net chamber volume and a...


Trends in der Minenindustrie - Mineral Processing

Fig. 16 shows an M10 000 IsaMill TM at Minsur's San Rafael tin mine in Peru. The mill is used there for the B2 project for reprocessing tailings. Minsur is planning to produce around 51 000 t tin over a project duration of 9 years. The so far largest size of the IsaMill TM is an M15 000 with a drive power of 3.7 MW. Such a machine is in ...


KING'S BEADS | A global supplier, technical service ...

Grinding Media . Our Grinding Media is used in process equipment like ball, attritor and stirred mills to achieve excellent particle size reduction for fine and ultra-fine grinding (UFG) applications. King's 25 years of experience in the industry has allowed us to develop a full range of superior grinding media products.


Jameson Concentrator

This state-of-the-art full circuit concentrator is based on industry learnings from over 133 IsaMill™ and 420 Jameson Cell installations across 30 years. It has been installed in Philex and New Britannia operations and is soon to be installed in Ozernoye operation, Making it the world's largest Zinc operation.


IsaMill Ultrafine Grinding | LinkedIn

In short, IsaMill™ reduces the energy cost, media cost and capital cost of fine-grinding. The IsaMill™ is used extensively in base metals, PGM, gold …



Tough economical conditions and high grade but fine-grained ore processing have forced the mining industry to look for more efficient processes. IsaMill Technology for ultra-fine and fine grinding is one such process employed at several mining operations in Australia including Mount Isa Mines Limited in Australia. Mount Isa Mines is a business unit of MIM Holdings Limited.


IsaMill Archives - International Mining

The company will support Glencore Technology through the installation, commissioning and service of its fine-grinding technology, IsaMill, predominantly in the US and Canada. Glencore Technology says it has had a long-term relationship with Global PAM and some of the company's key team members, but elevating to a formal commitment is seen by ...


Keramax® | Magotteaux

Excellence in ceramic grinding Keramax® a brand-new quality of ceramic grinding media for fine and ultra-fine grinding applications was developed by combining the unrivaled ceramic expertise of Grintec Advanced Materials technology Co., Ltd. and our technical and market knowledge. Keramax® ceramic beads and balls offer the most attractive price/performance …


Minerals Engineering Conferences - Ultrafine Grinding 06

Compared to conventional grinding, ultrafine grinding was reported to increase the zinc recovery by 10 %. The IsaMill, which has been developed in partnership with Netzsch Feinmahltechnik, is a high-intensity (up to 300 kW/m3) horizontal disk mill with 8 grinding chambers in series.


fine grinding center

fine grinding equipment, fine grinding equipment . 10,045 fine grinding equipment products are offered for sale by suppliers on Alibaba, of which flour mill accounts for 34%, grinding equipment accounts for 29%, and mine mill accounts for 5%. A wide variety of fine grinding equipment options are available to you, such as 1 year. get price


Improving fines recovery by grinding finer: Mineral ...

Third, grinding in an inert attritioning environment like an IsaMill increases fine flotation rates by producing clean mineral surfaces. An excellent case study is the installation of IsaMills in the Mount Isa lead zinc concentrator to grind lead and zinc rougher concentrate to P 80 of 12 μm and zinc cleaner tailings to 7 μm.


IsaMill™ - Grinding Solutions Ltd

IsaMill™ Grinding Solutions' performs IsaMill™ testing using a Netzsch LM4 mill, which has the exact same internal dimensions and workings as the IsaMill M4. Signature plot testing using the IsaMill™ provides data on the specific energy required to reach product size and can be used in the design of IsaMill™ grinding circuits.


Ore ultra fine grinding mill (Isamill)-Sinonine

Ore ultra fine grinding mill (Isamill) Inquiry. sinonine@ninemachine +86-. This ore ultra fine grinding mill is a kind of high efficiency mine ultra fine grinding machine which is improved and developed by our company based on the advanced technology of Isa mill. As a type ultra-fine grinding mill, it is the most widly used, most ...


[PDF] IsaMill TM Technology Used in Efficient Grinding ...

High intensity stirred milling is now an industry accepted method to efficiently grind fine and coarse particles. In particular, the IsaMillTM, which was invented for, and transformed the fine grinding industry, is now being included in many new comminution circuits in coarser applications. While comminution has always been regarded as important from a processing …



Our services include all aspects of project development, process improvement, specialised engineering as well as the provision of spare parts for all of Glencore Technology's proprietary and process equipment. Our Technologies. Fine Grinding. IsaMill™ uses horizontal milling to secure better energy efficiency, product size and availability.


fine grinding Archives - International Mining

The company will support Glencore Technology through the installation, commissioning and service of its fine-grinding technology, IsaMill, predominantly in the US and Canada. Glencore Technology says it has had a long-term relationship with Global PAM and some of the company's key team members, but elevating to a formal commitment is seen by ...


JV Article: IsaMill Leaps Into Small Footprint and Big ...

The IsaMill of 2020 scales up from lab tests to real-world performance with accuracy and is the only mill to provide a 25% capital-back guarantee. The only drawback has been the belief that it was more expensive and longer in footprint than other fine grinding mills.


The development of ultra-fine grinding at Anglo Platinum

The remaining rougher concentrate is thickened prior to regrinding using ultra fine grinding technology. A single open-circuit 2.6 MW (3,500 hp) M10 000 IsaMill grinds the rougher concentrate using local silica sand as grinding medium.